Our Work

GDPR One Year On

Office Depot

52k impressions

10k Video views

The Challenge

To position Office Depot’s range of security products as must-haves for businesses still struggling to comply with GDPR, one year after its introduction.

The Idea

We surveyed 300 business professionals with an active involvement in their business’s GDPR compliance. From there, we were able to determine that businesses were still vulnerable to issues such as visual hacking, device theft, improper document archiving, and data disposal.

We tackled each of these issues in the form of a detailed, 12-page guide, made available to download via a dedicated landing page on the Office Depot website. This content was promoted using a variety of stats-led creative assets to those with relevant job titles on LinkedIn, across Google’s Search and Display networks, and via email, ensuring we reached existing customers and prospects at different stages in their GDPR compliance journey.

The Results

The campaign delivered:

  • 52,036 impressions
  • 3,796 LinkedIn InMail opens (an open rate of 63%)
  • 10,275 views of the campaign’s video content
  • 18,206 clicks through to the campaign landing page
  • 305 total conversions, including:
    • 269 report downloads
    • 17 email enquiries
    • 13 form submissions

18,206landing page clicks