Janet The Meerkat
Drayton Manor Resort
The Challenge
To leap on the opportunity to generate positive coverage for Drayton Manor after Janet Street Porter said she was mortified that Chester Zoo had named its queen mole-rat after her.
The Idea
We reacted swiftly to Janet’s off-the-cuff comment on Loose Women that she would have preferred to have a meerkat named after her.
Within hours, Drayton Manor had agreed to name one of its female meerkats Janet Street Porter.
We issued the announcement, complete with important details such as how sociable Janet the meerkat was and that she lived in a gang of eight.
The Results
News of Janet’s namesake featured on Loose Women, where Ruth Langsford introduced Janet the meerkat to Janet the panellist.
It proved quite the talking point, with Janet thanking Drayton Manor and describing the meerkat as ‘beautiful’.
Following a five-minute segment on the show, the story went on to generate:
- two Tweets from Loose Women’s official Twitter account (676.6k followers), generating hundreds of likes, comments and shares
- regional press coverage including features in Staffordshire Live, Burton Live and Enjoy Staffordshire