Our Work

Tackling Building Overheating


168 quality downloads


To raise awareness and generate potential leads for REHAU’s Thermally Activated Building Structures (TABS) among architects and building specifiers.

TABS – which is designed into the fabric of a building to help it naturally regulate its temperate – is a comparatively new and underused technology in the UK. As a high-value, specialist product for commercial new-builds, its longer purchase cycle would also require a campaign with longevity.


We knew we needed to educate the target audience, positioning TABS in the context of the industry’s drive towards a carbon-zero future.

To allow us to react to the news agenda over a sustained period, we developed evergreen content we could link to topical issues around overheating, air quality and sustainability.

We created hero content centred around a technical whitepaper, which added value for the specifier by looking at typical installation methods, performance data, benefits, energy usage, lifecycle costing, and case studies. Then we implemented a thought leadership PR campaign, complemented by a paid LinkedIn strategy, to drive traffic, registrations and report downloads.


The campaign delivered:

  • 168 high-quality downloads
  • 20 pieces of thought leadership coverage in tier one media
  • 20 registrations for a technical TABS workshop in central London
  • 466 visits to the landing page from LinkedIn (against a KPI of 60)

466LANDING PAGE visits