Our Work

Future Homes Standard


93% share of voice

51 media hits

The Challenge

To raise awareness of REHAU’s ability to meet the Future Homes Standard (FHS), which aims to ensure homes built from 2025 produce 75-80% fewer carbon emissions.

Specifically, WPR was tasked with positioning the brand as a supportive supplier to the commercial fenestration and housing industries, able to troubleshoot any technical query regarding the legislation.

The Idea

We carried out research to explore how decision makers working in housebuilding, local authorities, housing associations and social housing were preparing for FHS.

Then we turned our findings into an insightful report that offered analysis and solutions in response to the fact that more than two-thirds of those surveyed were not prepared and 79% thought it would be ‘somewhat’ or ‘very’ challenging to meet the timelines. Through an integrated campaign employing media relations, paid and organic social tactics, we positioned REHAU as thought leaders and trusted experts.

The Results

The campaign delivered:

  • 304 report downloads (target 120)
  • 51 media hits (100% in tier one)
  • 45% online coverage backlink inclusion
  • over one million impressions (75% cheaper than LinkedIn benchmark)
  • 2,715 link clicks (23% cheaper than LinkedIn benchmark)
  • 114,906 three-second video views (60,000 KPI)
  • 22,290 15-second views (15,000 KPI)
  • 13,881 total organic impressions (+11% KPI)
  • 413 total organic engagements.

Crucially, we secured 93% share of voice for REHAU during the campaign period and the company saw a 30% increase in technical enquiries relating to FHS.

304report downloads